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Project realized during art residency at Rox Gallery, NYC
presented during POLISH show at Rox Gallery
Glass mosaic on board, 3,3x8,3 ft., 2014


This site-specific project assumed realization of mural from recycled glass that represent interpretation of few foreign currencies during artistic residency at Rox Gallery. The idea is a continuation of The Great Glass or How to throw the rock and hide ones hand – large glass mosaic that represent 100 usd bill, made and exhibited at Sector Reforma Gallery and Museum of Contemporary Art in Mexico during art scholarship I received form Mexican Government in 2010. The idea was born as a consequence of traumatic experience which was meeting faquires in Mexican metro. Lying down on broken glass was the way to force travelers to donate some change. Accidental people was subjected to visual torture (terror) by scenes of public self-inflicted wound. Visual inspiration of The Great Glass or How to throw the rock and hide ones hand project are „glass houses”, that are my early childhood flashback. In the town where I grew up, it was popular to decorate fronts with pieces of broken glass, ceramic or faience. Finding parts of cups or plates at the houses’ walls was enjoyable and intriguing at the same time. Composition combine few different notes- interpretation of currencies that have significant meaning (as US dollar), not only in economical sense. I suppose continuation of the project to create series of murals. Again I used glass mosaic technique, I recycled glass from broken bottles. The technique and material are very significant for this project. To make use of trash from New York – place where production of garbage is in extremity and people discard unnecessary items easily. Similarly to the preceding one this project aims to criticize consumption that past its limits. Process of production the mosaic is break of vicious circle, that millions of people all over the world follow. Working dozens of hours per day they earn more money and can buy more goods. Then easily throw away items and belongings that they do not have time to use. My art piece is in directly and symbolical way converse trash into money. It also links reprocessing with recycling and the capital circulation. Creative process is always very important for me. Focus and silence that I can enjoy during hours of laborious work at mosaic, creates great contrast to contemporary human’s hectic life. Gallery space was transformed into artist’s studio, where I performed the recycling process, collection, separation, cleaning and managing the re-use. The process of creating the mosaic was open for public. Common work and opportunity in participating in production process influence people’s perception of art work and provoke better understanding. Mosaic is one of the oldest painting technique and at the same time resistant and permanent. Using untypical material allows to disenchant medium that is rarely used nowadays. Painting is sensual and multi-interpretative. Polisemical meaning refers to Marcel Ducham work The Large Glass -The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even. Technical description: Mixed media, colored and transparent glass (recycled bottles), cement. Pieces of broken glass are fixed with cement directly on the wall or at plywood board.

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